Thank you for your interest in adopting a cat/kitten from City Kitties! City Kitties loves getting applications from serious, qualified applicants. Please read our Adoption Process prior to filling out an application. It answers common questions about how applications are handled, how long adoptions generally take, and next steps in the process such as reference checks and a home visit.  The applicant must be the primary caretaker for the adopted animal.  Please note that City Kitties reserves the right to reject an application or refuse an adoption at any point without explanation. Incomplete applications will not be processed–please fill out all applicable fields completely.

Phone Number
Have you applied (or do you plan to apply) to other rescue organizations in the Philadelphia area?
In the past year, has your application been turned down by another rescue organization/shelter? Note: This will not necessarily disqualify you if circumstances have changed.
Do you rent your home/apartment? (For homeowners, City Kitties checks proof of ownership through the Philadelphia BRT online database.)
If you rent, do you have permission from your landlord to have a cat? City Kitties will call to confirm this.
The average life span of an indoor cat is 15-18 years. Some cats live more than 20 years. Are you ready and willing to make a commitment to an animal for its entire life?
The ASPCA estimates that the first year of care for a cat (food, litter, vet care) totals $1,035. This amount could be considerably higher if your pet becomes sick or injured. Are you willing to take on this financial responsibility?
Does anyone in your household smoke inside the home?
Did you see this animal at Baltimore Pet Shoppe or Fairmount Pet Shoppe?
I want to adopt (check all that apply):
I would like an animal like this (check all that apply):
Where would the animal live?
Under what circumstances would you not keep the cat/kitten?
If you've owned a cat before, have you ever declawed any of your cats/kittens?
Would you consider declawing an adopted cat/kitten?
If you currently have pets or have had a pet in the last five years, please provide a veterinary reference. City Kitties will call to verify that your pets receive regular exams, vaccinations, etc.
Clinic Phone Number
Reference 1 Name
Only for applicants who have not had a pet in the past 5 years. References should be familiar with your experience with animals (not relatives).
Reference 1 Phone Number
Reference 2 Name
Reference 2 Phone Number
Reference 3 Name
Reference 3 Phone Number