To Foster a Kitten

by Tamara Clark on June 5, 2016

in Volunteers

by Tamara Clark, foster mom to the Candy Kittens I have a deal with myself: I am only allowed to keep fostering for City Kitties if I can adopt out all my fosters. This means that every adorable kitten who comes into my life I fall in love with, and then I adopt to you amazing people. This batch of kittens were wee little ones when they came to me. They still had their baby blue eyes and their pokey tails. They were very messy eaters, and play for ten minutes and then collapse where they where… on each other, in their food, and most adorably, in my sweatshirt hood. Now they are big and bold, and explore the whole house. They have learned to avoid the “big cats” (my resident adult cats), they can scale the couch, and can fiercely tackle any toy mouse. And they still fall asleep in the most amazing kitten piles.They are absolute loves, and they have a forever place in my heart. I have already met two of their adopters, and it feels like my family is growing as they get ready to go to their forever homes.

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